Splish Splash and We’re Taking a Bath!

Rub-a-dub-dub, three dogs in a tub! The ASPCA recommends dogs be bathed every three months, though Fido would greatly appreciate more tub time during the summer months.

To get the most out of bath time, start by giving your pet a thorough brushing, removing all loose hair and any clumpy mats. Fill the basin with about four inches high worth of lukewarm water, and start by spraying your pet with a hose or a pitcher. Lather mild canine shampoo allover the dog’s body from head to tail. Rinse well and towel off! If you live in a cold climate, feel free to shoot the blow dryer at Fluffy, but be mindful of heat level.

Homemade Dog Shampoo


(1 cup) All-Natural Dish Soap
(1 cup) Organic Apple Cider Vinegar
(1/3 cup) Glycerin
(1 quart) water

Mix and pour into an old shampoo bottle for storage.